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Pistachio Fines is a by-product from the production of other pistachio products manufactured on site. The material is not sieved or graded to any specific specification and as a result contains very small nibbed pieces down to the fine meal. This product is NOT consistent and will vary in appearance. Pistachio fines feature an intense green colour and a delicious flavour.
Ingredients: Pistachio Nuts
Allergy Advice: This product may contain traces of Peanuts and other nuts. Preservative & additive free.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place preferably in an air tight container once opened.
Specification available upon request.
Nutritional information per 100g
Energy | 577.00kcal |
Fat (Total) | 48.40g |
Saturated | 6.10g |
Polyunsaturated | 7.30g |
Monounsaturated | 32.70g |
Carbohydrate | 24.80g |
Protein | 20.60g |
Dietary fibre | 10.80g |
Sodium | 6.00mg |
Potassium | 780.00mg |
Magnesium | 158.00mg |
Iron | 6.70mg |
Copper | 1.10mg |
Zinc | 1.34mg |
Vitamin E | 5.20mg |
Riboflavin | 0.17mg |
Information taken from Literature or Grower specifications
Due to the working environment, products may contain traces of peanuts & other nuts, Peanut protein: Target <0.65ppm Maximum level 50ppm.
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